Technical Specifications
Baykon BX30 dan BX30D adalah Indikator Timbangan Tipe Panel dengan biaya rendah. Kedua indikator ini menawarkan akurasi tinggi dan performa yang baik dengan pilihan konektivitas yang kuat untuk semua aplikasi penimbangan. Dengan panel depan yang dilindungi IP67 dan terbuat dari stainless steel, indikator ini menyediakan operasi yang dapat diandalkan dan aman di area industri yang basah, higienis, dan keras.
For high durability and functionality, the weighing terminal features IP67 rated stainless-steel enclosure, a flat touchscreen with projected capacitive touch, desktop and panel mount options, two RS232 ports as two standard and two optional, two USB ports, and one LAN ports.
For high durability and functionality, the Presisi Industrial features IP67 rated stainless-steel enclosure, a flat touchscreen with projected capacitive touch, desktop and panel mount options, two RS232 ports as two standard and two optional, two USB ports, and one LAN ports.
Material : ABS body
Function : Weighing / Counting / Animal Weighing
Standard with two serial ports: RS232+RS485
SS 304 Body
Weighing / Counting / Animal Weighing
Standard with two serial ports: RS232+RS485