Pameran International Indonesia Seafood & Meat (IISM) 2020

International Indonesia Seafood & Meat - iism 2020

International Indonesia Seafood & Meat - iism 2020

Event online exhibition pertama yang diikuti oleh PT. Intitek di penghujung tahun 2020 ini bertemakan industri daging dan makanan laut. Acara pameran tersebut akan berlangsung pada tanggal 10-12 Desember 2020 jam 10 pagi hingga jam 6 sore. Acaranya akan live via RHVAC Apps dengan dress code office/work attire.

Highlight Exhibition Online:

  • Virtual Catalogue
    Visitors can connect and see our exhibitors company profile.
  • Live Chat
    Visitors can connect the exhibitor using this features ( Real Time).
  • Virtual Activation
    Visitors can see and join our exhibitor technical presentation, live product presentation, live seminars.
  • Business MatchMaking
    Visitors can connect our exhibitor to ask or set-up meeting with them more privately.

Tentang International Indonesia Seafood & Meat (IISM) 2020


The specialized conference and expo for seafood & meat industry promises to be an excellent platform to forge business alliances, showcase your products & services and to interact with traders within the region. IISM will be the right occasion to meet all the potential buyers, traders and decision-makers from all levels and sectors of cold connection industry.

An Overview of The Indonesian economy

Indonesia can look forward to an easier 2014, as the nation’s economic fundamentals looks set to improve across the board. GDP is expected to grow 5.8 percent and the current deficit should narrow as the trade balance recovers. Inflation should drop to safer levels with no further fuel-price hikes for the year. A lower Rupiah, tighter credit conditions and slower GDP growth will make Indonesia’s economy less dependent on domestic consumption, foreign investment and commodity exports.

The situation

The Indonesian population continues to expand and it is predicted that the boom may possibly hit 280 million in the year 2030. As such, there exists a very real problem to feed the exponential increases in population growth.

The Pressing Problem

The government’s target of national production in the seafood sector in 2014 is 19.6 million tons, growing at a rate of 20% a year. This excludes the 6.5 million tons of seaweed production which does not require conditioning. In the beef sector (meat), the government is targeting 580 thousand tons of beef and poultry (chicken and poultry) 3.7 million tons. This translates to an increase of 7-10 % a year. The drive to increase production aims to reduce imports substantially. However, the national cold storage capacity in 2013 is only 7.2 million tons of seafood products and 398 thousand tons for beef and 1.9 million tons for poultry. The capacity growth is only 10 % a year. Clearly, there is a MISMATCH issue of capacity of storage versus production.

The Solution and An Opportunity

International Indonesia Seafood and Meat Conference and Expo

Focusing on Cold Connection (IISM) is conceived and planned to facilitate the meat and seafood industries as well as the cold chain system of storage and refrigeration facilities. This event is tailored specific to buyers and suppliers of fresh, frozen, packaged and value added seafood and meat products, equipment and services. It provides a platform of exchange and bridges access from interested buyers to ready suppliers from all over the world in the seafood and meat industries along with the cold connection hardware.

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